Quantity 1Kg, approx. 750 seeds
Germination approx. 7 -21 days at 22ºC
Peanut seeds (Arachis hypogaea)
The peanut is native to the Andean regions of South America, but is now cultivated worldwide in tropical and subtropical areas. In Europe, it is grown commercially only in Cyprus. We ourselves have had good results in outdoor cultivation on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. In northern Europe it must be cultivated in pots.
Tips for planting:
We ship the peanut seeds with their external shell to better preserve them during transport, but this must be removed before planting.
The reddish brown skin covering the seed should be left and they should be planted to a depth of approx. 1-1,5cm. With high temperatures germination is faster and seeds are more resistant to fungi.
Good drainage of the substrate is important. We use a mixture of 70% perlite and 30% of substrate. They can be planted outdoors if you are sure that the night temperature is about 15 ° C not lower. In northern Europe therefore it is better to keep the pot indoors.
When the tops of the plants die in September-October, the peanuts can be harvested.