Seeds for herbs, medical plants

Seeds for herbs, medical plants

Wholesale list for Herbs, Medical Plants

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Product no.: M-1040

Amount. 10 gr ca. 13.500 Seeds

Germination approx. 18 days at 20 °C. Wet seed culture substrate


Spanish/French lavender seeds (Lavandula stoechas)

16.50 *
Delivery weight: 13 g

In stock

Product no.: M-1020

Quantity 10 gr ca. 50 seeds

Germination: soak seeds for approx. 21 days at 20 ° C, then maintain constantly moist

Bear’s breech or breeches (Acanthus mollis)

12.00 *
Delivery weight: 12 g

In stock

Product no.: M-1030

Quantity 10 gr Seeds ca. 3500 seeds

Germination , irregular stratification, 2 weeks at room temperature in moist perlite (in airtight plastic bag) after five weeks in the refrigerator before planting (at aprox.10ºC)


Hops seeds (Humulus lupulus)

10.90 *
Delivery weight: 13 g

In stock

Product no.: M-1000

Quantity  10gr approx.1000 Seeds

Germination approx. 14-21 Days at 20ºC

Datura seeds (Datura stramonium)

ATTENTION !! All parts of the plant are Toxic

9.50 *
Delivery weight: 12 g

In stock

Product no.: M-1010

Quantity  100gr approx.12500 Seeds

Germination approx. 15 days at 18 °C (germinate dark)

Wild mallow seeds (Malva silvestris)

18.00 *
Delivery weight: 105 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0920

Quantity 10 gr aprox. 5.000 seeds

Germination approx. 14 days at 20ºC


Ashwagandha seeds (Withania somnifera)

syn: indian ginseng, poison gooseberry, winter cherry

12.50 *
Delivery weight: 13 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0980

Quantity 10gr approx. 35000 Seeds

Germination approx. 7-14 days at 24ºC. Germination with light

Tobacco “Kentucky” seeds (Nicotiana tabacum)

17.90 *
Delivery weight: 13 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0930

Quantity 100 gr  ca. 150.000 seeds

Germination approx. 15-20 days at 20 °C with light Germination


Evening Primrose seeds (Oenothera biennis)

21.50 *
Delivery weight: 105 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0940

Quantity  100 gr ca. 5.500 Seeds

Germination approx. 7 -14  days at 18 ° C 


Borage, star flower seeds (Borago Officinalis)

9.50 *
Delivery weight: 105 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0990

Quantity 10 Gr. approx. 5000 Seeds

Germination approx. 7-10 days at 20ºC. Germination with light


Moldavian dragonhead Seeds (Dracocephalum moldavica)


12.00 *
Delivery weight: 12 g

In stock

Product no.: M-910

Quantity. 100 Gr. aprox. 1.000.000 seeds

Germination approx. 7- 14 Days to 20 °C germinate with light


100 gr Chamomile seeds (Chamomilla recutita)

19.50 *
Delivery weight: 110 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0890

Quantity  100 gr  approx. 60 Seeds

Germination irregular, seeds in cold stratification


Ginkgo seeds (Ginkgo biloba)

14.50 *
Delivery weight: 105 g

Currently unavailable

Product no.: M-0870

Quantity  100 gr aprox. 350.000 seeds

Germination: approx. 28 days at 22 °C with light

Common thyme seeds (Thymus vulgaris)

32.50 *
Delivery weight: 105 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0860

Amount. 100 gr around 50.000 Seeds

Germination approx. 15 days at 20 °C


100 gr Chervil seeds (Anthriscus Cerefolium)

9.50 *
Delivery weight: 105 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0830

Quantity 100 gr. aprox. 135 tubers

Tiger Nut, "chufa" Rhizomes (Cyperus esculentus

Syn: Chufa, Tiger nut, Amandes de terre, atadwe, Hab el Aziz, Erdmandel


8.50 *
Delivery weight: 110 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0850

Amount. 100 gr around 9.000 Seeds

Germination approx. 12 days at 20 °C


Coriander Broadleaf "Slowbolt" seeds (Coriandrum sativum)


8.50 *
Delivery weight: 110 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0840

Quantity 100 gr. aprox. 60.000 Seeds
Germination: approx. 7 -14 days at 22 °C germinate with light

Cinnamon basil seeds (Ocimum basilicum)

24.80 *
Delivery weight: 110 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0820

Quantity 100 gr. aprox. 63.000 Seeds

Germination: approx. 7 -14 days at 22 °C germinate with light


Lemon basil seeds (Ocimum americanum)

19.80 *
Delivery weight: 110 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0800

Quantity 10gr approx.  5.000 Seeds

Germination approx. 14-21 Days at 22ºC

10 gr Seeds Sea fennel , Rock samphire
(Crithmum maritimum L.)

14.00 *
Delivery weight: 11 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0780

Quantity 10gr approx.  10.000 Seeds

Germination approx. 14-21 Days at 22ºC


Seeds Goji (Lycium Barbarum)

22.50 *
Delivery weight: 11 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0770

Quantity 100 gr. aprox. 70.000 Seeds

Germination: approx. 7 -14 days at 22 °C germinate with light


red basil (Ocimum basilicum -Red)

16.50 *
Delivery weight: 105 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0730

Quantity 10gr aprox. 1300 seeds

Irregular germination. Stratify the seeds (ie cover the seeds in moist substrate and leave for 3 weeks in the refrigerator)


Mandrake seeds (Mandragora autumnalis) Toxic

47.00 *
Delivery weight: 11 g

Currently unavailable

Product no.: M-0740

Amount. 100gr. approx. 180.000 seeds

Germination approx. 14 -28 days at 20 °C, germination in darkness


"Lemon" Catnip seeds (Nepeta cataria citriodora)

29.00 *
Delivery weight: 105 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0750

Quantity 100gr aprox. 180.000 Seeds

Germination: approx. 14 days at 18 °C


Catmint, catnip seeds (Nepeta cataria)

26.00 *
Delivery weight: 105 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0760

100gr pack Mix of Plants for bees seeds, 10 varieties

8.50 *
Delivery weight: 105 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0710

Quantity. 100 gr

Germination: approx. 18 days at 20 ° C


Dill seeds (Anethum graveolens)

6.50 *
Delivery weight: 105 g

In stock

Product no.: M-0720

Amount. 100gr approx. 70.000 seeds

Germination approx. 7-14 days at 18 ° C


Dill "Tetra" Seeds (Anethum graveolens var. Hortorum)

8.50 *
Delivery weight: 105 g

In stock

Product no.: A-0010

Quantity 100 seeds

Germination approx. 14 -21 Days at 22ºC


Moringa seeds, drumstick tree, horseradish tree (Moringa oleifera)


12.00 *
Delivery weight: 33 g

In stock

Product no.: A-0020

Quantity 1000 seeds

Germination approx. 14 -21 Days at 22ºC


Moringa seeds, drumstick tree, horseradish tree (Moringa oleifera)

58.00 *
Delivery weight: 350 g

In stock

Product no.: A-0030

Quantity 1Kg approx. 3500 seeds

Germination approx. 14 -21 Days at 22ºC


Moringa seeds, drumstick tree, horseradish tree (Moringa oleifera)



150.00 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

Disponible en 1 mes

* Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery
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