Oscilloscope DS1204B

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Delivery weight: 5 kg






200 MHz

100 MHz

60 MHz

Memory Depth

16 kpts(half channel), 8 kpts(each channel)


4 channels + external trigger

Real-time Sample Rate

2 GSa/s(half channel), 1 GSa/s(each channel)

Equivalent-time Sample Rate

50 GSa/s

25 GSa/s

10 GSa/s

Rise Time

1.8 ns

3.5 ns

5.8 ns

Input Impedance

1 MΩ||18 pF

Timebase Range

1 ns/div ~ 50 s/div

2 ns/div ~ 50 s/div

5 ns/div ~ 50 s/div

Trigger modes

Edge, Video, Pulse Width, Alternate, pattern trigger across 4 analog channels

Vertical Sensitivity

2 mV/div ~ 10 V/div

Vertical Resolution

8 bits

Maximum Input Voltage

All Inputs 1MΩ||18pF 300Vrms Max CAT I

Cursor Measurement

Manual, Track and Auto Measure modes.

Automatic Measurements

Vpp, Vamp, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Vavg, Vrms, Preshoot, Overshoot, Frequency, Period, Rise Time, Fall time, Positive Width, Negative Width, Positive Duty Cycle, Negative Duty Cycle, Time Delay A→B, Time Delay A→B, Phase Delay A→B,- Phase Delay A→B


+, -, ×, FFT

Internal Storage

10 waveforms, 10 setups

USB Storage

8 bits BMP, 24 bits BMP, PNG,CSV,Waveforms and Setups against USB flash drive’s limit


USB Device, dual USB Host, LXI-C compliant LAN


5.7” TFT QVGA(320×240) with 64K color LED backlight display

Power Supply

AC:100-127V,45Hz-440Hz;100-240V,45Hz-65Hz. 60VA Max

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