What is understeer?
It's when you place your car in the entry of a bend on the ideal trajectory, and that it continues straight despite having the wheels turned fully towards the inside of the bend.
What is oversteer?
In this case, with your car still placed at the entrance to the bend, on its ideal trajectory, it amplifies this bend with a tendency to want to enter too much towards the inside of the bend, which has the effect of seeing the train back pass in front. This situation is likely to end in a complete spin-off
What is hunting?
It is the angle that the steering pivot makes towards the rear, in relation to a straight line perpendicular to the chassis when looking at the car from the side; in general, this adjustment is made by tilting the front to the rear.
What is camber?
This is the angle that the wheel makes perpendicular to the track. This angle is "positive" when the top of the wheel is tilted outward from the car and "negative" when it is tilted inward.
What is toe-in or toe-out?
This is the angle the front wheels make when looking at the car from above. We imagine two straight lines passing through the wheels. If they meet towards the front of the car, there is pinching; if it is towards the back, we speak of an opening.